Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Social Networking

            Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, revolves around social networking. Sure, their are more sites than what I have listed but why list them all. The title says it all, an online service or platform that focuses on building social networks or social relations among people who share interest, activities, and or real life connections. Social networking sites provides forum for representatives in anthropology, sociology, political science, and other fields of study who share an interest in a particular topic that is expressed in a network form.
          Facebook is a completely different take on how we navigate through the online world. Mr. Zuckerberg envisions a more personalize web for each individual, where Facebook users are putting their real names, connected with real friends, linked to their email address and shared their opinions and probably shared where they live.Individuals are nonchalant over the concern of their personal data being shown to everyone. This can lead to public attention and the information that has been publicly shared can be taken advantage of. According to Marc Parry In the article "who cares about Facebook privacy?Students do" Students are taking action and modifying their privacy settings. Can you imagine showing your address in public or phone number and later you find a complete stranger at your doorsteps or calling you? Also according to Leaving friendprints: How online Social Networks are redefining privacy and personal security'  "The information provides opportunities not only for legitimate business purposes, but also for the nefarious aims of identity thieves and other predators, according to faculty at Wharton and elsewhere. The way privacy has been is being challenged is changing and redefining the laws of privacy that is being held today.

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