Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

                  Virtual worlds can have its cons and pros. Some people who are antisocial and  are feeling scared to go out in public  o talk with people is stressful at times Now there is no need to worry when you have virtual worlds on your side. According to the article"I've been in that club, just not in real life' "Despite knowing that its real-life inspiration exists right outside my door, I have spent the last few months making such visits to the Virtual Lower East Side (, a three-dimensional, Internet-based social network fastidiously modeled on a small but influential swath of Manhattan real estate." This particular individual did not want to go outside his house, even though there were a music club right down the block from his house.

              Virtual worlds can help healthcare facilities To make quick decisions in emergencies. Nurses in training are given a specific scenario in the virtual world and its up to them to make a decision on how to help the patient in the best possible way. In the article "Avatar ll: The hospital":"Virtual training also typically costs less than a full-dress drill with hired actors. It costs $1,000 to buy virtual land in Second Life from the game's creator, Linden Lab, and about $300 a month to maintain control of it. Programmers can then build their own virtual facilities or pay an expert to do it for them." In the article there are disaster drills that train medical and nursing students in their clinical skills. After the trainee students have finished with their procedure in a virtual world then an instructor will meet with them and see where they went wrong and help aid them in the best action to take in helping patients. Virtual worlds can spark creativity immensely in today society  by helping one acquire the knowledge as in this example before actually performing real world procedures on individuals patients who need treatment.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Social Networking Sites

           Where should i begin when there are so many social media networks out there. There are so many similarities and differences between the major social network sites. It is safe to say that Facebook is the most common out of all of the social media sites out there today. Facebook can be used as a marketing tool that uses the social graph and activities to target demographics and people, making Facebook advertising quite unique. in Facebook you can build up a fan page to grow your fan base, Sharing your valuable context and to interact to see the real person behind your brand is interesting.

         Twitter, a social media networking sites that transforms your lengthy blog articles into small snippets of information. This is great for grabbing peoples attention quickly, as a result driving more people to your log. the downsides to twitter that building relations ship is virtually impossible to do. People follow you because you have things that you say make them interested in you but not your business,they could care less.

LinkedIn, Very different compared to twitter and Facebook, its a social media outlet that out their mainly for business purposes, whether it would be with connecting to clients or customers, you can connect with other business as a whole. You can also sell yourself by putting your background and experience on your profile where other business can look at your profile and choose whether or not you are the right candidate for the job. 

     Google+, is awesome. With circles, you can seperate your followers into different groups so when you share information with you can choose which group you want to share it with. another unique feature with google+ is hangouts where you can video chat 10 people at once. Its like saying you dont have to go to a location for a business meeting when you can have one online.

Blog about Twitter

            This is a first for me in using twitter and being in a black board discussion. In twitter we see that we are limited to the amount of words we are aloud to post(140 Words). Due to the character limitations that twitter has entailed in their social media website, it promotes their consumers to post direct message and get their point across.Twitter discussions are more public and open, where anyone can gather information on a specific topic that someone has posted on their account.
           A blackboard discussion is more polished discussion. As students, we are expected to be much more formal with our opinions and arguments relating to another students or professors post. It communicates the teacher with the student individually discussing their, readings,grades and any relevant information that is needed to enhance their skills in the real world. '
          In class discussions, arguably, It encourages students to be entitled to their own opinion on the topic and has to do a good job on their perspective on a certain topic because they will be graded as opposed to tweeting on twitter.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Social Networking

            Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, revolves around social networking. Sure, their are more sites than what I have listed but why list them all. The title says it all, an online service or platform that focuses on building social networks or social relations among people who share interest, activities, and or real life connections. Social networking sites provides forum for representatives in anthropology, sociology, political science, and other fields of study who share an interest in a particular topic that is expressed in a network form.
          Facebook is a completely different take on how we navigate through the online world. Mr. Zuckerberg envisions a more personalize web for each individual, where Facebook users are putting their real names, connected with real friends, linked to their email address and shared their opinions and probably shared where they live.Individuals are nonchalant over the concern of their personal data being shown to everyone. This can lead to public attention and the information that has been publicly shared can be taken advantage of. According to Marc Parry In the article "who cares about Facebook privacy?Students do" Students are taking action and modifying their privacy settings. Can you imagine showing your address in public or phone number and later you find a complete stranger at your doorsteps or calling you? Also according to Leaving friendprints: How online Social Networks are redefining privacy and personal security'  "The information provides opportunities not only for legitimate business purposes, but also for the nefarious aims of identity thieves and other predators, according to faculty at Wharton and elsewhere. The way privacy has been is being challenged is changing and redefining the laws of privacy that is being held today.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


             Individuals use the internet to create blogs and wiki which are sources of information that can be beneficial to one another.There are very similar and have many small discrepancies between each other. In a wiki, Users can login and edit content, but it is limited because facilitators control it. In a blog there is a single author that publish the blogs and multiple com mentors. One main difference is the layout and organization of information. In a blog posts are usually opinions written in the authors voice whereas wikis are more knowledge oriented. According To Ezra Goodnoe in the article "How to Use wikis for business"Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia that is written and maintained by,well,anybody,who feels like it. Even though anybody can edit it facilitators pre screen there edits and pick and modify which are gonna be a best fit in that category or situation.

        Blogs and wikis are highly needed in modern society to access information in brief seconds. They are both classified as social software and are designed to facilitate personal interactions over computer networks. it can be used to learn people views on certain topics and allows one to communicate with one another. According to Michael Wilson in the article "brooklyn blog helps lead to drug raid,"But peering turned to blogging, and bloggin turned to action, as neighbors start filling complaints with the 68th precinct station house and attenting community board 10 meetings. The article describes an online community discussing criminal activity and taking action.